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Website Development

Competition on the web is tough and customer expectations are high, without powerful performance and responsive design your website will neither last nor deliver. My website development services provides bespoke website development that delivers the highest levels of performance for your business long into the future.

Working in collaboration with you, I will develop a tailored solution to meet each of your business needs. I will use the best, state of the art technologies and most appropriate CMS to build a fast, secure and dynamic internal structure that will last.

My full range of website services extend beyond web development to include website hosting and website maintenance for the ongoing business support you’ll need once your site is up and running.

Whether you want to upgrade an existing business website or would like a brand new website developed, you can trust me to create the dynamic solution you need for your business, feel free to contact me to get started.

Web Development CMS and Technologies

  • WordPress, a leading Content Management System (CMS), empowers users to create and manage websites effortlessly.

  • WooCommerce, an extension of WordPress, revolutionizes e-commerce by providing a comprehensive platform for online store creation and management. Seamlessly integrated with WordPress, it offers a user-friendly interface for setting up and customizing digital storefronts.

  • Craft CMS stands as a sophisticated Content Management System (CMS), revered for its flexibility and robustness in building tailored digital experiences. Offering a refined user interface, for businesses seeking a premium CMS solution to bring their digital visions to life.

  • Kirby CMS represents a lightweight yet powerful Content Management System (CMS), popular for its simplicity and versatility in crafting elegant websites and digital projects. With a minimalist interface and file-based approach, Kirby offers unparalleled flexibility and control over content creation and organization.

  • 11ty is a modern and highly versatile static site generator that stands out for its simplicity and flexibility. A popular choice for when looking to create fast, efficient, and maintainable web projects and landing pages.

  • Statamic stands out as a contemporary, sleek, and incredibly versatile CMS constructed on Laravel, capable of operating in full-stack mode, headless, utilizing flat files or databases, or functioning as a static site generator.

  • Logomark

    Laravel is a cutting-edge and adaptable PHP framework celebrated for its modern architecture and comprehensive features.

Latest posts about Website Development

what is a cms?

What is a CMS?

In today's digital landscape, where websites serve as essential tools for both individuals and businesses alike, Content Management Systems (CMS) emerge as indispensable assets. In this piece, I delve into the intricacies of a CMS, shedding light on its fundamental significance and functionalities.

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